about me

hello! you must be lovely if you're here. 
I'm Taylor Mae Bollwinkel. I've been a cellist for more than 10 years, I'm a home-bound Idaho girl. I'm a movie junkie who loves to make air popped pop corn with plenty of butter and salt. I collect old books from around the world along with milk glass (don't know why I love it so much). I have 4 younger brothers that I adore dearly and two very loving parents. & I'm so happy you're here.
if you're wondering how I came upon making this blog is reasons being:
1. i travel
2. i dress fabulous
3. am a Photography nut
4. to Give others inspiration
5. am a DO-IT-YOURSELF kinda gal
6. I lovers to model for other photographers...
7. & to plainly share my adventures with you.
this sums up the major reasons of creating this loveliness. I plan on impressing you lovelies "every. day." (-nacho libre) I hope one day I'll look back at this blog & say, "DANG! I. was. one. hip. darlin."

lovers me forever & always

the folks that follow