Saturday, October 13, 2012

freezing but fun day

Today, my fellow teachers (Sam, Kim, Julie), & I went to souvenir street. & we had a blast getting there & comin back. all 4 of us have quite fun togetha! we only have one week until we go on our two week vacation! let's just say WE'RE ALL REALLY EXCITED...... INCLUDING MY MOM!
we can't wait for you to get here mommy!
 before we leave for dee city.

sam sending off her postcards.

We had a very fun & memorable day getting gifts for our family!
we miss them very much & felt like going out and getting them things!
so , now that it's late and my eyes are barely open..
I must say so long, farewell, Aufweiderzehn, goodnight.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

it. is. beginning. to. look. like. halloween.

hints to what we may look like as teachers...   when the time comes:
 Samantha Herbert, the skeleton
 me, the vampire
& Julie Wilde, the witch


good evening,

happy day

this is one. quick. happy. post.
I rented. a. CELLO! 
yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes. yes!
so happy!
& then I had to leave the Music Conservatory & got CAR SICK...
(they're freaking crazy with their driving here)
so yes, I got sick so bad, when I got home, I couldn't even play right away...
I flopped on my bed and took a nap to settle the tummy,
then the fun began,
(great feeling)
-goodnight my lovlies.
-tayla mae

Monday, October 8, 2012

"teacher! A FARMER!"

so ever since I made this...
a Farmer for the Song, "Ol' McDonald"
my kids have been begging me NON-STOP to make one..
so I gave in...
here's their masterpieces:

Aren't they beautiful?... 
I love em! they keep me going everyday. & they care so much about me.
(Vasyl, Masha, Katia, Rafaell, Nadiya, Yegor)

happy day.
-Teacher Taylor

Sunday, October 7, 2012

the Lavra

Just this last weekend, Tonia, took a bunch of us girls out to show us the Lavra. (which is a church, underground, in caves) CRAZY CLAUSTROPHOBIC! anywho.. They had the tombs of Munks down there, & they were mummified & put in Glass Cases! AHHHH! we could see some of their hands (Black & small & dead looking), But it was really, really amazing! we learned quite a bit... so, here's some photos:
 We just came out of the Lavra & you have to have candles when you go down. BECAUSE.... there's no electricity down there. so in order for you to see, you must have a lovely skinny candle. & to show respect we must wear our scarves over our head! a very fun experience. 

 A very big church that we had the opportunity to go into for a service, & let's just say it's not the same as an LDS sunday. (very cool to see)
a different view of the city... it's so big and diverse. 

It's getting past my bed time! goodnight,
& sleep tight!
ps: very excited for me mum to come!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Kamyanets-Podilsky = Love

So last weekend, September 28 - October 1, my girls and I went to an 
amazing city in Ukraine, called....
aka: Castle Town (to me at least)

Let this Adventure Begin:
 McDonalds before we left... Yum

 she got good & comfy
 we arrived & It was foggy... 

 The Torture Chambers

 Only Catholic church in the City
 Little Tourist Street

 We got to the Hotel & decided to go Exploring!

ok... then we went to sleep and slept in...
THEN.... Went & got Ukrainian Massages from UKRAINIAN MEN!
(shhhhhh... Don't tell my Mom!)

now DAY TWO:

 we found a little happy place


 What's for dinner? ....sushi.

 Midnight Train Back Home:
 Then Donuts in the Mornin..

& then we were pooped for the rest of the week...
but let me say that It was a heck of a weekend & I had a blast.

the folks that follow